24 June 2021
The Archdiocesan Women’s Taskforce continued its consultations last Saturday 19 June at the Hartigan Centre in Yass. Taskforce members and parishioners gather at Yass Women from the Yass/Murrumbateman area came together with the taskforce members (two of whom are members of the Parish) and shared their thoughts, concerns and hopes. In a positive and wide-ranging conversation, the women shared about a deep love for family life and a desire to restore more youth and family-oriented activities to the parish. Many spoke of their own ecumenical forays during COVID-19 lockdown and saw potential for the Catholic Church to embrace some of the successes in music, preaching and welcome that they had seem in local Protestant churches. The parishioners sang the praises of their new parish priest Fr Peter My who has had a positive impact and has brought a fresh perspective to the Yass mission. Overall, the meeting was another wonderful and unique gathering of people who care deeply about their Church.
